Karma is related to a deed in life, perceived as the actions we take in this life and or the previous life dictate our fate. If we acted bad, then bad karma can cloud our present life. However, acting good in a pervious life, and or doing a good deed in this current life can give a person good karma.
Good and bad karma are viewed as a karma. If you are driving on the freeway, a person may cut you off. In a few seconds, another motorist cuts them off 5 seconds later. A person who take advantage of another will later experience the same fate. This fate may carry forward into the next life.
If you treat people good, good karma will pay you a nice visit. On the opposing side, treating people bad in a previous life and in this life can result in bad karma clouding your life with darkness. You may be a good person in this life, but not understand your spirit acted bad in a past life.
A karma reading will tell you how to find out the source of bad karma. People will never complain about recurring good karma. If everything is working out great, they want the good karma to keep returning lucrative opportunities.
Bad karma is a curse on the soul. You have to understand the source of your bad karma to improve your current situation. If you take money from another person, then you will be prevented from making money. Moreover, stealing an idea and or information can create career blocks.
You may feel that a mountain is blocking your from accomplishing dreams and goals. Every effort you put forth evaporates into thin air. This is bad karma resulting in treating another person and or doing something wrong in this life and or the previous.
What is karma? Karma is a deed that we make on our previous actions and events in this life and your previous existence. Karma is our fate in life. A good person experiencing bad karma may have acted bad in a previous life. A bad person with good karma is receiving good fate due to acting good in a previous life.
Want to get rid of bad karma? Connect the exact events to the past. If you took advantage of another person such as failing to pay back a loan, you will need to show good faith to repay the debt. Contact these people to repay debts and apologize. Your actions change the way they view other deals. People ruin it for others.
Are you a hiring manager who denied another person a job for personal reasons? Hire a future applicant to treat the bad karma. Promote an employee who is deserving.
Unless you confront bad karma, you will keep experiencing unfavorable results. Who knows the real outcome of good and bad karma? Maybe identifying bad karma can open the door to lucrative opportunities.
Karma is a powerful force. Your bad luck and or fate is probably attributed to past life and previous actions and events. Good karma reflects good actions. In essence, karma is a deed we make based on our previous actions and events in this and or another life that determines our fate.
Are you a hiring manager who denied another person a job for personal reasons? Hire a future applicant to treat the bad karma. Promote an employee who is deserving.
Unless you confront bad karma, you will keep experiencing unfavorable results. Who knows the real outcome of good and bad karma? Maybe identifying bad karma can open the door to lucrative opportunities.
Karma is a powerful force. Your bad luck and or fate is probably attributed to past life and previous actions and events. Good karma reflects good actions. In essence, karma is a deed we make based on our previous actions and events in this and or another life that determines our fate.
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